3 Renovations to Consider Right Before Putting Your House on the Market

 Image of a house with picturesque scenery

Are you considering selling your house? Well, as a homeowner, it’s really about doing what you can in the name of long-term value for your house. While yes, you should have been slowly contributing to the long-term value and stability of the house, if you haven’t lived in this house for very long or everything has just so happened to be perfect, then, of course, the situation is going to be different. 

But regardless, as a homeowner, you’re still going to need to do what you can to entice homebuyers and maximise your profit as much as possible. But what can you do exactly? Well, here are some incredibly helpful renovations you’re definitely going to want to consider before you put your house on the market!

Start by boosting energy efficiency

While yes, homeowners want something that’s aesthetically pleasing, what they care more about is energy efficiency, so is this something that you’re currently offering? How energy efficient is your house right now? Now, even if everything seems perfect, the chances are super high that you could still be doing more. But what could you consider looking into? 

Well, you might want to go ahead and start by installing ceiling insulation batts to improve your home’s thermal efficiency, keeping it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. If your house doesn’t already have these, then get them, and if you do have them, see if it’s time to upgrade them. But is that all? Well, you should also look into replacing old windows with double-glazed ones to reduce heat loss and gain, and the same applies to your doors. 

Upgrading to energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, as well as installing a programmable thermostat, can also enhance your home’s energy profile- people want a smart home. You could look into installing solar panels, too, because this is slowly becoming more of an expectation- yes, there is such a massive upfront cost, but it’s still going to be worth it because you should get a return on investment in the end (and hoping someone overbidding for the house too).

You can't go wrong with landscaping

You have to keep in mind that for most home listings, the exterior of the house is shown first. Plus, when there’s time for open houses or viewings, your house is still the first thing shown. Chances are, going with a boring lawn isn’t going to cut it, but at the same time, going with too many plants might not cut it either. 

So, the best course of action would be to use simple landscaping upgrades, such as adding new plants, mulch, or a small garden, which can make a big difference. But if you wanted to, you should still take it a step further; then, you could keep the walkways clear, repair any damaged fencing, and add outdoor seating to showcase the potential for outdoor living and entertainment- people like seeing these, too.

Upgrades never hurt

If you watch HGTV or even keep up with home improvement influencers. In that case, this is probably going to be considered one of the biggest sales points, and that’s specifically upgrading the kitchen and bathroom into something more modern. Now, some people love this, and other people absolutely hate it, but for the most part, homebuyers want something that feels updated.

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