The idea of a long distance relationship is never a nice one. The concept of being away from the person that you love for an extended period of time can be upsetting and stressful. But sometimes, due to work commitments or an extended trip being planned, you have no choice but to adapt to the situation that you’ve found yourself in. 

Of course, knowing how to do that isn’t always easy, is it? The fact is that adapting to a long distance relationship isn’t always an easy or straightforward concept - it’s a lot to take in and think about. However, the good news is that there are lots of ways that you can make things a little easier for both of you. 

Wondering what it takes to prepare for (and cope with) your partner going away for an extended period of time and your relationship becoming a long distance one? Below is a guide to some simple ways that you can make life easier for yourself and your partner - read on for everything that you need to know.

Couple holding hands with anchor finger tattoos

Decide how you will keep in touch 

One of the most important steps to take when it comes to dealing with a long distance relationship is to determine how you will keep in touch with each other. If you’re going to make sure that your relationship stays strong even when you’re apart, it’s a good idea to determine how you will keep in touch .

Discuss when you will visit 

It’s also important to work out how often you will visit each other while your partner is away. If they’re going away for work and will be gone for a set period of time, such as 12 months, you can work out how often you want to visit each other, with both of you travelling back and forth as and when you feel it’s necessary. If your partner is going travelling for an extended period of time, working out when you will see each other might be more difficult to determine, especially if they’re not sure where they will be when. However, this is something that you can always work out once the trip starts. 

Give them a going away gift 

Ahead of their trip, you might want to gift your partner a little something that says that you’re thinking about them and will miss them. There are lots of options to choose from, but a traditional gift could be to look at square st christopher pendants as a gift for them, as St Christopher is the Patron Saint of Travel and is said to care for and guide travellers. This kind of gift could be a nice touch to gift your partner. Alternatively, there are lots of other options to choose from, from their favourite treats to a box of travel essentials - there are plenty of options available. 

There you have it, a guide to how you can prepare for your partner going away for an extended period of time.

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